Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Rather on Blogs: 'There’s Little or No Accountability'

The bitter has-been of a bygone era, Dan Rather, continues to snivel and whine, well over three years after being totally exposed as a complete fraud.

This guy is a laugh riot.
The 24-hour news cycle that has made presidential races an unavoidable spectacle has extended far beyond the mainstream media as hundreds of bloggers, YouTubers and “citizen journalists” have descended on the Granite State.

Former CBS anchor Dan Rather, covering the primary for the high-definition cable channel HDNet, said the new media is a plus overall, but there are some negatives.

When it comes to blogging and some things on the Web, there’s little or no accountability,” said Rather, who covered his first presidential race in 1952. “This is the new American political coverage media. It’s a wilderness, and when you go into the wilderness, there’s always some danger.”

In 2004, bloggers discovered that documents about President Bush’s military record reported by Rather were fakes - leading to his downfall as CBS Evening News anchor. He has since slapped CBS with a $70 million lawsuit.
The difference between a discredited hack like Rather and bloggers is for the most part, bloggers are quickly corrected on any factual mistakes and update as fast as possible if they want to maintain credibility with their audience.

Rather tried to influence a presidential election in September 2004 and still can't admit any wrongdoing.

A pathetic shell of a man, he'll go to his grave denying what he attempted to do.

He's lucky to be walking free. In some countries, he probably would have been executed for treason.

More from Michelle Malkin.

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