
Saturday, February 02, 2008

Nutroots Nitwit: Using Women With Down's Syndrome as Human Bombs is 'Brilliant'

When last seen, this boob was publicly fellating Hugo Chavez. Now she considers using women with Down's Syndrome as human bombs a brilliant tactical move. Nice to see a shred of humanity by at least recognizing what a horrible act this was. Of course, it's Bush's fault, anyway.
I think it's just horrible that whoever was behind this latest disaster used Down's women to perpetrate the bombings but I don't see it as a sign of desperation. I see it as a sign of adaptation and a brilliant one at that.
There is no cure for stupidity, apparently. Others have a different take on it.

"These two suicide vest attacks represent the worst of human nature," said Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Hammond, the top U.S. commander in Baghdad. He said American forces would continue their targeted operations that have succeeded in decreasing attacks.

"We will not give back any terrain here in Baghdad," he told reporters at a U.S. patrol base south of the capital.

This genius apparently thinks the solution to such a barbaric act is to impeach George W. Bush.

Sure, that'll happen.

Hot Air links. Thanks!

UPDATE II: Charles Johnson awards her with the honor of Moonbat of the Day. Well deserved.

UPDATE III: These chumps are looking for more abuse, apparently. They've issued a bold challenge and want me to comment.

But they banned me, so how the hell can I comment?

A special brand of stupid.

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