By now everybody is aware of the severe weather we have been having across the south this weekend, but most of the coverage has been limited to Atlanta, but they are not the only ones who have been hard hit. Savannah is a nice town on the east coast of Georgia and widely renowned for it's St Patrick's Day celebration. The storms we experienced in the Atlanta area didn't just die out, they continued their eastward trek and eventually hit Savannah hitting the main power station and destroying the transmission lines and plunged the city into darkness. This is a double blow since this time of the year is also one of the most profitable for the city because of the visitors who come down to celebrate St Patrick's Day in this quaint southern city with it's stately southern mansion and moss lined trees decorating the downtown area. So the lights go out, cops are preoccupied and rampant looting breaks out. Right?? Uh not exactly.
A few nightspots kept pouring drinks, with bartenders tallying customer's bar tabs with flashlights, as patrons huddled around tables lit by candles. Smith managed to buy a cold beer for $2.50 at one darkened watering hole.
Police closed the riverfront bars by 11:30 p.m. and the lingering street party began dispersing an hour later as it began to rain. Savannah Fire Capt. Matthew Stanley said a couple of street robberies were reported downtown, but no major incidents.
Is there any doubt that if this story is repeated in New Orleans the story would be much different. Heck they have worse crime now and they are supposedly a functioning city.
On the other hand enough is enough. Messing with St Paddy's Day party is going too far.
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