Saturday, April 12, 2008

5 years into the GWOT and progressives discover Michael Yon

Much has been made of comments made by David Bellavia earlier this week by some who see hidden meanings in Denny's menus,and here we have the progressives taking a shot at Michael Yon.
Firedoglake, a typical screeching, whining, gloom and doom, liberal, sorry progressive, blog has decided that Michael Yon is a propagandists. Something the author of this piece apparently is ignorant of or else he didn't bother to read all of the Michael Yon article he presents as evidence of Mr Yons' propaganda activity. All you need to know about Mr Yon is contained in the second paragraph of Michaels article.
I may well have spent more time embedded with combat units in Iraq than any other journalist alive. I have seen this war – and our part in it – at its brutal worst. And I say the transformation over the last 14 months is little short of miraculous.

If there is anybody who reads this blog that is not aware of Michael Yon it is time you became acquainted with him. He has been dubbed the Ernie Pyle of our time, and his "dispatches" from the GWOT have been the best pieces of reporting and have been able to place just what is happening on the ground in this war in perspective.
Of course it only took the unlearned readers of that blog 16 comments, which showed their ignorance of who and what Micahel Yon does, to slip into their BushCheneyHaliburton hate fest.

LS April 11th, 2008 at 10:39 am

Over at Rawstory, there is an article about Cheney authorizing torture, etc., but in the comments at the bottom of the page about 10 comments down, begin a series of comments from an anonymous poster with an incredible amount of information tying Cheney to just about everything…Just sayin’..worth the gander.

Of course the remainder of the comments continued along this vein. So the progressives spent all of 16 comments slandering Mr Yon's motives and characters and then returned to their comfort zone of bashing Republicans.
As to Blue Texan's exit question
So what I wanna know is -- at what point will war cheerleaders propagandists like Michael Yon feel enough shame to finally STFU?

I pray his voice is never silenced, for in this day and age of spin and slanted views in reporting he has been a breath of fresh air. He reports what he sees and he backs it up by actually witnessing the events and people he reports on. Something I doubt Blue Texan has ever done.
Why bother to post this over here and not on the Firedoglake comments? Simple like all progressives, dissenting opinions and voices are squelched so my comments would never see the light of day.

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