Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Every Whore Has a Price

In this instance, the price is a bit steep, but since this political prostitute and his wife have no shame and are laughing all the way to the bank, do you think they'll show the slightest bit of shame?

Yeah, right.
Bill Clinton voiced "support" for a controversial Colombia free-trade pact that his wife has fiercely opposed - and he accepted $800,000 in speaking fees from a group boosting the agreement, it was revealed yesterday.

The news came just two days after Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton pushed her chief strategist, Mark Penn, from his post after he embarrassed the campaign by consulting with Colombia government officials over the trade deal.

In June 2005, Bill Clinton, who holds enormous sway as an adviser to his wife, was quoted by the Spanish-language news portal Terra as publicly backing the trade pact at an appearance with Colombia President Alvaro Uribe.

"I will raise your point when you return to the United States," Clinton said, according to a trans lation by "I am in favor of the free-trade agreement and it is my hope that we will find the right formula to reach the agreement."

The same month, Bill Clinton reaped the six-figure windfall from the Colombia-based development group Gold Service International - a booster of the trade agreement - for four speeches.
At least they still care about the children.

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