Thursday, April 17, 2008

Key to the Kaaba Sold at Auction

The key to the Kaaba was sold at auction recently by Sothebys' auction house. What's the big deal? Well this is one of the most sacred relics in the Islamic world.
"As a physical object, the key to the holiest building of an entire religion, it demonstrates the authority of the caliph and is the ultimate emblem of power," said Sotheby's.
Needless to say they ain't too happy in the Kingdom of the Two Mosques, Saudi Arabia.
“I appeal to the authorities in the Kingdom to research the topic. If the key could be smuggled out, then other things could also meet the same fate,” the historian said. “In fact, the key is a trust handed by the Prophet (peace be upon him) to the Shayba family, who are responsible for it before anyone else. It is the duty of the Muslim world, including the Kingdom, to return the key to its right place,” he added.
The current keeper of the key is Saleh Al-Shaybi, well he was the keeper. I sure wouldn't want to be in his shoes.

They are vowing a full court press to get the key back if they can determine who the buyer was.
Al-Okayl said it is the duty of wealthy Muslims to return the key to its rightful place. “If the present owner demands a huge price, then Muslims can raise the money jointly. It cannot be ruled out that if this key is bought by the Muslims, some one else may appear claiming that he had another key of the Kaaba. So any attempt to exploit the sentiments of Muslims should be identified,” Al-Okayl said.
History of the Kaaba

Does this mean they will have to call off the hajj?

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