Monday, April 14, 2008

Media Swoons as Democrats Pretend to Find Faith

The sickening double standard by the mainstream media is so painfully obvious when Democrats pretend to be devoutly religious. For years during the Clinton presidency we were constantly treated to photo shoots of a Bible-toting Slick Willie going to church, as if his attendance for Sunday services were something genuine and not a choreographed photo-op.

By the same token, for decades now Republicans who dutifully practice their religion are scorned as the "religious right" and we're constantly reminded of the separation of church and state and how dare these rightwingers shove their religion down out throats!

So now as Barack Obama and Mrs. Clinton go to war in Pennsylvania, we get this nauseating item about how much the two of them read the Bible.

Democratic Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said Sunday the potential for life begins at conception as she and presidential rival Sen. Barack Obama answered questions about faith and religion in both their personal lives and the public discourse.
Life begins at conception? Huh?

Tell that to Planned Parenthood, sister.
In a forum devoted to an issue rare on the campaign trail, the two White House hopefuls talked about the presence of God in their lives and how often they read the Bible, as well as divisive issues including abortion, abstinence and human rights within the context of faith.
Democrats preaching abstinence? Say what?

Well, the issue is so rare on the campaign trail because any time a Republican mentions faith, he's ridiculed and forced to explain a pro-life stance (if he or she is indeed pro-life).

For months Mitt Romney was on the defensive trying to explain his Mormon faith to the media as if he were practicing a religion nobody had ever heard of. Meanwhile, Obama's mentor Jeremiah Wright escaped any scrutiny for over a year and even after being exposed, the bulk of the press corps would rather that issue just disappear.
Clinton was asked whether life begins at conception - which abortion opponents contend is a reality that makes any termination of a pregnancy the ending of a life.

"I believe the potential for life begins at conception," Clinton said. "For me, it is also not only about a potential life. It is about the other lives involved. ... I have concluded, after great, you know, concern and searching my own mind and heart over many years... that individuals must be entrusted to make this profound decision, because the alternative would be such an intrusion of government authority that it would be very difficult to sustain in our kind of open society."
Sure. Here's a socialist who would like to control every facet of your life, and she has the temerity to pretend to fret over governmental intrusion into your life.

Slick, indeed.
Asked at the faith forum whether life begins at conception, Obama said he didn't know the answer.

"This is something that I have not, I think, come to a firm resolution on. I think it's very hard to know what that means, when life begins. Is it when a cell separates? Is it when the soul stirs? ... What I know, as I've said before, is that there is something extraordinarily powerful about potential life and that that has a moral weight to it that we take into consideration when we're having these debates."
Thanks for clearing that up, Barry.
Clinton said she has felt the gift of God in her life and said she makes decisions on tough moral issues such as abortion and the treatment of alleged terrorists after prayer, contemplation and study.

"I don't pretend to even believe that I know the answers to a lot of these questions," Clinton said. "I don't."

One of the toughest questions she faced was why God allows innocent people to suffer. Clinton said that has been the subject of much debate for generations, and added: "I don't know. I can't wait to ask him."
Ugh. Where's the barfbag?

The smartest woman in the world doesn't have any answers?

Can you just imagine the media reaction if GOP candidates had such a forum? Highly doubtful the press would handle it with such kid gloves.

Speaking of abortion, the Washington Post drools over the fact a couple of rare Democrats who are pro-life support Obama. Why is this a surprise? He's a Democrat. As if they would support John McCain?
As firmly as Casey (Pa.) and Roemer (Ind.) have adhered to their opposition, Obama has never supported a single measure that would curtail access to abortion -- even under controversial circumstances. But Casey and Roemer have chosen to ignore Obama's legislative record, and are promoting the Democratic presidential candidate to their antiabortion allies as someone who could achieve a new consensus on the issue.
Shocking how Democrats would sell out their positions for political expediency, isn't it?

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