Tuesday, April 01, 2008

More Voter Shenanigans in a Democrat State

This time it's California.
About 50 Republicans from Los Angeles and San Diego counties have complained that they were denied a GOP ballot in the state's Feb. 5 primary because they were not registered Republicans, the newspaper reported.

They complained that poll workers told them they were registered as non-partisans or members of a minority party, the newspaper said.
This is tied to the motor voter registration program. Apparently these are all people who registered to vote through the DMV. But in a case of putting the fox in the hen house they are allowing the Democrat Secretary of State, Debra Bowen, to conduct the investigation. In cases like this there needs to be a panel and not a single person. I don't imagine she is going to find anything beyond human error and that there was no malicious intent in the actions. They are DMV employees after all, you can't expect too much out of them.

And get this from the California web site for the Secretary of State.
A pioneer in open government reform, election integrity, and personal privacy rights, Debra Bowen became only the sixth woman in California history elected to a statewide constitutional office when she was elected as Secretary of State in November 2006.
According to a Mercury News article, which is a reprint of an AP article, they state that the GOP already investigated this and found no wrongdoing.

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