Thursday, July 03, 2008

Idiot SF Mayor Wakes Up, Will Turn Over Illegal Alien Crack Dealers to Feds

Maybe this dope realized his political future was rather limited, which hopefully it is regardless of today's decision.
No more protecting juvenile felons who are in the country illegally, San Francisco May Gavin Newsom now says.

The about-face follows the news from earlier this week about eight young Honduran crack dealers who escaped from group homes in Southern California. Under the city's 1989 sanctuary declaration, San Francisco officials tried to shield the youths from being deported by federal immigration authorities.

Newsom, a Democrat who is considering a run for governor in 2010, said he didn't know the city was shielding juvenile offenders from deportation, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Nevertheless, he said, "ignorance is no defense."
Nor is disdaining the laws of your nation, asshole.

This pantload actually fancies himself as governor of California.

Good luck with that.

He's just not taken seriously.
Given Newsom's problems with alcohol and philandering and his reputation as a "pretty boy," Tony said ultimately, "I don't see him as a serious candidate." He thinks it comes down to Brown and Lt. Gov. John Garamendi.

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