Thursday, July 03, 2008

REJECTED! Or Birth of a Moonbat

This is not news to me since I did my time in hell known as recruiting back in the 90's, but every time I have brought it up in an argument I have always had to rely on my anecdotal evidence. My personnel experience back then was about 4 out of every 10 would qualify. Now since CBS is giving their seal of approval on it I guess that lends some sort of credibility to my claims. What am I saying? CBS lends credibility? How about this. I can corroborate the assertions put forth in this piece.
Put it another way: Only three out of 10 young people between the ages of 17 and 24 even qualify to serve in the Army, CBS News national security correspondent David Martin reports.

The rest are ineligible either because they didn’t graduate from high school, have a police record or are not physically fit.
Besides the physical fitness, which we can actually work with, my experience was that most were disqualified for medical reasons. All those drugs teachers pump into your kids like Ritalin disqualify them. Drugs to handle their other psyche failings like Zoloft also disqualify them.

But it seemed no matter how many times I tried to present these sort of things to moonbats it was poo-pooed. It is also why a draft would never work. I think a lot of these moonbats may in fact be closet wannabee military types that got turned down, and rather then have walk around with the word REJECTED tattooed on their forehead they became anti-war wackos. It gives them cover for not being good enough to join and allows them to strike back at the institution that told them no.

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