Friday, August 08, 2008

Cheney: I'm Speaking on Opening Night, Bitches

If anything, it'll get the angry left to tune in while simultaneously tossing some red meat to the base.

I can't wait.
The planners of the Republican National Convention have bitten the bullet: They are putting two of the party's least-liked national political figures on the podium on the same night.

Vice President Dick Cheney, who in one recent poll was given a favorability rating barely half that of President Bush, will, after all, address the convention delegates along with the president on Monday, Sept. 1, the convention's opening day.

"The vice president looks forward to participating in the Republican National Convention and continuing to work for the election of Sen. McCain and other Republican candidates in the coming months," his spokeswoman, Megan M. Mitchell, said in an e-mailed statement.

So much for all those rumors over the last 48 hours that the vice president would be personna non grata when the party meets to nominate John McCain at the Twin Cities convention in Minneapolis-St. Paul.
The AP, naturally, oozes smug condescension. They somehow manage to work Larry Craig's legal proceedings into the story.

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