Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Kos Kook: Hannity Is Afraid to Debate Me

These people take themselves so seriously. As if a national radio broadcaster is going to open his microphone to some unhinged weirdo full of bluster.
Over the past few weeks, John McCain's chief surrogate Sean Handy Hannity has been relentlessly, unfairly, and untruthfully attacking Barack Obama daily and has extended his smears to Michelle. Yet John McCain continues to embrace this wingnut who caters to vile bigots like Ann Coulter, Jesse Lee Peterson, and Jerome Corsi.

Last week, in Berea, Ohio, Obama called Hannity out and suggested that a 68 year old man named Mr. Burgess would tear him up in a debate. So Hannity put the man on his show for 15 minutes and Mr. Burgess, nice as he was, was unprepared for the litany of smears.

Hannity demands that Obama debate him for 3 hours. By bringing up Hannity, Obama either astutely realizes the DFQ theory that making Hannity the face of conservatism leads to permanent Democratic majorities or Obama made a tactical error by suggesting that someone else debate Hannity.

Regardless, Hannity does not get this talking point.
It gets funnier.

Memo to the Kos Kooks: There's this little thing on your radio known as a dial. If you don't like to listen to "smears" then change the station.

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