Sunday, August 03, 2008

Vacation Is Over, Nancy

Well, if the Republicans carry through on this it looks like Nancy and her Defeatocrats are going to have a very short vacation.
Things are moving very fast, and the floor protests will continue on Monday. and if we all act today, we can do our part to make the Guerilla Congress an even greater success as it continues.

The next step is for the netroots to provide any Republican member who is willing to return to the House floor tomorrow with the assurance that events on the floor will be quickly captured, made public, and broadly distributed. If we act today, we can create an citizen-powered alternative to the MSM that the Democratic majority will find difficult, if not impossible to suppress.

There are three specific capabilities we must develop today to get this to work.

First, we need to have people on the floor or in the gallery who are willing to capture audio, pictures and video and upload it to some central repository. We need someone to coordinate the effort to make sure that we have a person on the floor at all times, for starters. We have a number of people in the DC area in the group, and the more people sign up, the more we can spread the time around.

Second, we need some central repository for audio, pictures and video from the floor. For now, the Facebook group would probably suffice, but if anyone has the ability to set something up which is more versatile, it would make an impact.

Third, we need people to take the audio, pictures and video from the central repository and distribute it over the Web and to the MSM. Almost all of us could help out with this part, by posting links on social networking sites and blogs, or sending links to the media. It would also be helpful for somebody with media savvy to step up and coordinate this effort.

There are three threads on the Facebook group for each of these three capabilities, and if each of us chooses an area that we can help out with, we can get the job done TODAY. If we can get everything up and running today, any GOP member who wants to come back Monday and talk in the People's House will be able to do so knowing that their words will be heard by the American people.

Please pick a thread and get involved in the project.

Help Report or Publicize
Invite All of Your Friends
Keep the Momentum Going

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