She can wear her hijab to the death chamber, which is where she should be headed, after a fair trial, of course. The woman is accused of killing a 2-year-old child by beating her to death. I absolutely despise child molesters and abusers.
Nour Hadid is accused of beating her 2-year-old niece Bhia Hadid to death over four days at her home on the 9000 block of West 140th Street. The child had 55 separate bruises and was beaten "from head to toe," according to prosecutors, who say Hadid confessed.CAIR is jumping in here about the police making her remove her hijab for the mug shot when it appears they really don't know the facts in the case. It is just typical CAIR, and most liberal groups reactions. Jump in, feign outrage and then make the facts fit your argument.
Spokesmen for the Council on Islamic American Relations, the Islamic Society of North America and the Bridgeview Mosque Foundation all declined to comment Thursday.And what is up with allowing women to wear a body bag for a state ID? That is like letting Jason wear his hockey mask for drivers license.
But Dr. Mohammed Sahloul, chairman of the Council of Islamic Organizations of Chicago, said that while police should follow the usual procedures with all defendants, "they should respect the modesty of the accused."
Sahloul, who made it clear he was not aware of the Hadid case and was speaking in general terms about the hijab, pointed out that Muslim women are allowed to wear hijabs in photos for their state IDs.
Well, I hope putting her picture here causes her some more embarrassment, although I can't think of anything that is more embarrassing then being a member of a religion founded by a pedophile who advocates the stoning of women as something to pass the time in between marriages to their next child bride.
The police booking photo of alleged child killer Nour Hadid released Tuesday is an "insult against our religion," says Hadid's husband, Alaeddin.And your wife is an insult against the human race. I just wonder how long it is before we find out your involvement in all of this.
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