Apologize, that is, for the recent disclosure of the DHS report that basically said if you aren't a card carrying union member who devotes your off time to ACORN activities that you are a right wing extremist.
Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano is the threat.
I just watched her appearance on Fox and Friends and after asking her about the goals of her trip to Mexico, which seems to be a continuation of the Obama apology tour, they asked her about the recent report the DHS released which seemed to say that veterans were a group of interest in regards to being a threat to this country.
She did not denounce the findings. It would have been so simple to say that she did not believe that and the threat portion of the report was misunderstood or something. Instead, she did not distance herself from it and danced around the question.
I am going to keep an eye out and hopefully later today the video of the exchange will be made available from our good friends at Fox News.
Maybe I took what she said the wrong way or I am being too sensitive in regards to this matter, but I promise I will post the video when and if it becomes available and you can decide for yourself.
In the meantime, I will leave you with this picture I took last night at the Atlanta Tea Party of a sign a former Ranger was holding up.
UPDATE: Fox News now has an article up regarding Napolitano's appearance on Fox and Friends this morning; however, their take on what she said does not mesh with what I heard. Maybe I am biased. Maybe I heard or didn't hear something. I am still waiting on the video in its entirety so that you can make up your own mind. In my mind, she danced around it and this report does too much cut and pasting.
Here is the video of the interview. You listen and you decide. Don't let some right wing extremist like me influence you. Pay special attention to her response to the question asked of her by Eric Bolling, who works for the Fox Business Network.
Larwyn’s Linx: Why Los Angeles Is Burning
21 hours ago
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