Good grief, can they get any more in the tank for this guy?
The most beneficent Dear Leader comes to shower the huddled masses with cash and assuage their feelings of pain.
My, wherever were we without him? And if the headline isn't bad enough, they have a photo of The One bathed in cash.
Obama gives nation a pep talk: 'We don't give up'Who writes this drivel for him?
Promising new jobs and money, President Barack Obama on Wednesday told a hurting Midwestern region that its recovery will be like America's: tough but certain. Obama's second visit as president to a northern Indiana area mired in unemployment reflected political reality. People appreciate hope and the presence of the president, but they want jobs. So Obama came bearing all of those in what amounted to a national economic pep talk.
"Even in the hardest times, against the toughest odds, we have never surrendered," Obama told a crowd on the steamy factory floor of Monaco RV, whose previous owner went bankrupt. "We don't give up. We don't surrender our fates to chance. We have always endured."
Update: It's getting worse. Check out this gem:
Analysis: Obama lets NKorea's Kim save face
The Obama administration let North Korean leader Kim Jong Il save face by releasing two jailed Americans to former President Bill Clinton. The payoff — maybe not right away — is likely to be renewed dialogue with Pyongyang about its nuclear weapons program.Unreal.
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