There is a post started by Little Star which explains his/her experience at a Healthcare Townhall meeting in MA.
Let me tell you I sat in a room full of far right wing lunatics for over an hour, who could care less about healthcare reform. They only cared about illegal immigrants, their tax $$, killing the elderly, gov’t getting between them and their doctors and the gov’t pulling the plug on people to save $$. They could give two shits about real reform and the entire meeting was pretty much questions from these lunatics. I wanted to ask questions about single payer and lobbyist $$ interests, but that wasn’t to be. No questions about how to fix healthcare or the disarray it is in now and how the reform will address those problems.Quite the tale huh? Sounds serious and this person is risking life and limb to speak truth to power. Well all except for this entry on the thread by somebody else who claims to be there with a screen name of MassachusettsMadam
The meeting took place at Umass in Worcester, MA and Representatives Neal and McGovern were there to answer questions. They were both very knowledgeable and astute in their answers, but I have to say that I am ashamed that there were so few Democrats in the room. I would say there were three quarters tea baggers and one quarter Dems.
If you have read the Freedom Works tactic sheet, you could recognize the strategy being followed to a T. They were disruptive from the moment the speakers were introduced. They would all yell and scream questions and voice their opposition to everything in unison, trying to create disarray, it was a mob mentality. They even made fake fart noises. They made constant interruptions. They all sighed loudly, booed and were just pretty much nasty people.
I am not sure if I handled it correctly, but I couldn’t bite my tongue. I told all those lunatics that I was there to listen to the answers of questions being asked, not to hear them. At times I yelled back at them that insurance companies are famous for coming between them and their doctors. I also told a lunatic that if she was so worried about paying for illegal immigrants healthcare when they go to the emergency room, then they should be included in healthcare reform. That didn’t go over to well. I filmed the entire meeting and took pictures. I have to say that I think my initial challenge to them did help the meeting maintain some semblance of order (as much as it could) and I think my camera helped as well (they didn't like me filming them). It was bad enough, but truly it was only me and the person that I went with who challenged these creeps.
You didn't help maintain any semblance of order. Your screeching and shoving the camera into the faces of the people around you made us look as bad as they did. Maybe the reason you felt like it was only you and the person with you "challenging" them was that you two were the only ones getting down in the mud with the pigs. If you had stayed quiet and let the security people deal with the situation it would have been all one-sided and they would have been the only ones to be asked to quiet down or be ejected when they continued to heckle the Representatives. As it was, you added your considerable volume to it which kept the security from being able to focus on the real troublemakers. You would not shut up, even when they did, and even when Neal tried to get you to. Which led to you being the one approached by security.We report you decide. Maybe somebody ought to send this to the White House snitch line.
UPDATE: Okay for the second time today Gateway Pundit has beaten me to the punch, and I swear I am not doing it on purpose. Anyway he has a post which includes a link to newspaper report. Be sure to click on the link and read the comments which support the comments made by MassachuettsMadam, but which is left out of the story.
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