Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Code Pink Skanks Inject Themselves Into Egypt Story

As Americans and other foreigners cue up to escape the chaos in Egypt, it's curious to see far left agitators Code Pink pop up in Cairo.
Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin Wednesday headed up a dozen Code Pink banner-bearing activists in Cairo's Tahrir Square -- a scene she said descended into a bloody "war zone" as "government thugs" battled pro-democracy demonstrators.

But Benjamin told us by cell phone just minutes also that while the government of Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak government has now signalled it will "go down kicking and screaming,'' pro-democracy protesters are fully determined and "ready to die here."

We caught Benjamin just after midnight Egyptian time as she retreated from the embattled square in Cairo -- in a country where Internet coverage is just returning after days of blackout. Benjamin, a longtime Bay Area progessive [sic] activist, has been in the region since Monday with Code Pink and said the lack of Internet connection has been frustrating.

But she noted it couldn't stop her and the Code Pinkers who took to the square Wednesday, parading a large banner in both Engligh and Arabic, reading: "The World Says It's Time For Mubarak to Go."
It's not as if they witnessed the beginnings of an uprising and decided to just head over there. No, it was more accidental. They were waylaid while on the way to see their terror pals in Gaza. Always the opportunists.
The international CODEPINK delegation had been en route to Gaza via Egypt but with the Rafah border closed they are unable to enter Gaza, and remain in Cairo. The activists will stay in Cairo until they can safely make their way to Gaza, where they intend to continue their delegation for peace.
For interested media, she leaves a number she can be reached at. After all, it's not about a struggle for democracy, it's all about face time for cloying media whore Medea Benjamin.

In the meantime, a couple of stooges who traveled with Code Pink wound up being rescued and helped out of Egypt by some evil oil company executives. Leaving them there would have been a more potent lesson.


Beckoning said...

The more people I see who are in favor of this revolution, the more I am convinced these people are trying to wrest away Jimmy Carter's award for "Left the World Far More Dangerous than when he started" award. 

rich b said...

More idiots and I don't mean to call them "useful idiots" either. Just idiots. I wonder if these hags have any fucking clue what would happen to them under Sharia law for their activities.