
Friday, October 07, 2011

Scandal? What Scandal? Obama Fundraiser Pushed Solyndra Deal From Inside

Nothing to see here, folks. Move along. How convenient this drops late on a Friday afternoon.
An elite Obama fundraiser hired to help oversee the administration's energy loan program pushed and prodded career Department of Energy officials to move faster in approving a loan guarantee for Solyndra, even as his wife's law firm was representing the California solar company, according to internal emails made public late Friday.

"How hard is this? What is he waiting for?" wrote Steven J. Spinner, a high-tech consultant and energy investor who raised at least $500,000 for the candidate before being appointed to a key job helping oversee the energy loan guarantee program. "I have OVP [the Office of the Vice President] and WH [the White House] breathing down my neck on this."

Many of the emails were written just days after Spinner accepted a three-page ethics agreement in which he pledged he would "not participate in any discussion regarding any application involving [his wife's law firm] Wilson [Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati]."

The $535 million loan to Solyndra was ultimately approved in 2009 and for months was touted by President Obama as a model of his efforts to create new jobs in the emerging field of clean energy. But in late August, the company abruptly shut its doors and days later declared it was filing for bankruptcy. Now the loan is the subject of multiple investigations, by Congress and by the Department of Justice.

In one of the new emails shared with ABC News and other news outlets Friday, the White House appears to be bracing for the political fallout -- one high ranking energy official in the White House warns shortly before Solyndra's bankruptcy, on Aug. 26, that what's coming is a "*#~@ show" and "a mess."
So nice of them to share. Maybe they can start sharing with Darrell Issa.


More here.

Via John Ekdahl, we've got a handy dandy Solyndra timesline.

[Infographic] Solyndra Timeline

1 comment:

  1. HTyrre5:34 PM

    <span><span>The common theme<span>  </span>in these recent scandals is cronyism and corruption running rampant in all branches of our government.<span>  </span>This is just another example. </span></span>
    <span> </span>
    <span><span>Consider what just happened in a federal court in Texas.<span>  </span>A Dallas business owner was involved in a civil dispute and paid millions of dollars to lawyers, and when he objected to their fees, they had a “friendly” judge seize all of his property, without any notice or hearing, and essentially ordered him to be an involuntary servant to the lawyers. The business owner has been under this "servant" order for 10 months and is prohibited from owning any possessions,<span>  </span>prohibited from working, etc...</span></span>
    <span> </span>
    <span><span><span>  </span>has details about this disturbing case.<span>   </span></span></span>


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