
Friday, October 07, 2011

Self-Absorbed Assclown Does Dramatic Rendition of OWS Demands

Following his stoic intonations, this 99%-er hopped in his chauffer-driven Town Car, back over to his Trump Palace digs.

A regular man of the people.

Chances are strong more people may view this here than saw it on his obscure cable channel.

Also posted at AoSHQ.


  1. Jim Dooger9:14 PM

    I like how he's not wearing a tie.  I makes him seem like a regular, blue collar working stiff,  You know, a man of the people.

  2. Lady Liberty9:31 AM

    I can't tell you how much Olbermann makes my skin crawl. Bombast, crass language and arrogance -- Edward R. Murrow hasn't just rolled over in his grave, he's actively seeking to relocate it.

  3. Richard Butler1:28 PM

    The next thing he'll do is roll up his sleeves .... or something. Damn phony.

  4. NeoKong12:04 AM

    Uh hoh my god.....what a fuckin' homo.

  5. NeoKong12:05 AM

    Uh hoh my god.....what a fuckin' homo.


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