
Friday, January 09, 2009

Change! 'Obama Celebration and Bush Shoe Toss'

(click to enlarge)

Classy. There was George Bush the other day being genuine and wishing Barack Obama the best during a White House visit.

Meanwhile, Obama's people are pushing low rent crap like this.

Change. My. Ass.
Colin Powell held a press conference in Washington, D.C., on Friday, touting the launch of Barack Obama's new website,, which allows Americans to find -- and to promote -- local service opportunities that are searchable by zip code.

President Bush's former Secretary of State said he was on the site this morning and vouched for its usefulness.

But here's betting that Powell didn't have time to go through all of the events on it.

Wanting to see how the website works, I typed in my hometown zip code in Los Angeles to find events within a 10 mile radius.

It pointed me to several events including a blood drive, a graffiti clean-up, and an "Obama Celebration and Bush Shoe Toss."

The event, which was listed as a "Day of Service - January 19," is taking place at the soon-to-open Carnivale Café on the corner of Vermont and Normal.

"Come Celebrate with us" wrote Gilbert Gazan, 46, in the event's description. "Say good bye to old Georgie . . . Throw a shoe at poster of Bush and win a free drink."
I expect the left to be puerile and juvenile and pull lame stunts like this. FOr it to appear on an Obama website is ridiculous. One can only imagine the feigned indignity when people start having "Throw Shoes at Obama" events. You'll never hear the end of the whining.

Hot Air links. Thanks!

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