
Friday, January 09, 2009

Great News: Preening, Overexposed World Savior to Pen NY Times Column

No, not Obama. His buddies are already doing that for him.

No, folks, this is someone even larger than life than The Messiah.
U2 frontman, Elevation Partners partner and anti-bad things in the world activist Bono will be the New York Times's newest Op-Ed contribuor. His first column will appear on this Sunday's Op-Ed page and it'll be at too.

"I've never been great with the full stops or commas," the musician said in a release. "Let's see how far we can take this."
I'll give him this much. He could take a dump on newsprint and still be more coherent that Bob Herbert or Frank Rich, so I guess this is a plus for the Times. Granted, they'll probably be out of business before long, so in the end nobody will probably notice.

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