
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Eddy Curry Hit With Gay Sex Harassment Suit

After the Isiah Thomas sex harassment suit was settled a couple years ago, you have to figure the New York Knicks hoped they'd seen the last of such legal matters.

Well, now they have another potentially more explosive matter on their hands.

Considering Eddy Curry hasn't seen any action on the court this season, he apparently may have been looking for some off it.
Knick center Eddy Curry was slapped with a shocking sexual-harassment suit yesterday by his former driver, who claims the 6-foot-11 hoopster tried to solicit gay sex from him.

Stunning court papers charge that Curry, a married father of several kids, repeatedly approached chauffeur David Kuchinsky "in the nude," saying, "Look at me, Dave, look" and, "Come and touch it, Dave."

Curry, 26, also made Kuchinsky perform "humiliating tasks outside the scope of his employment, such as cleaning up and removing dirty towels [into which Curry had ejaculated] so that his wife would not see them," the Manhattan federal court suit says.

Kuchinsky, 36, who is straight and Jewish, also alleges racism, saying Curry hurled slurs at him, including "f- - - ing Jew," "cracker," "white slave," "white devil" and "grandmaster of the KKK."

Curry, a former Chicago Bull, said last night he was "shocked" at the allegations. "It's false, and everyone who knows me knows I'm not a racist," he said after the Knicks beat the Hornets in New Orleans. "I've never made a comment like that, playing, or nothing. . . . That's incredible, man."

The sexual allegations recall a 2006 lawsuit by Knicks marketing VP Anucha Browne Sanders, who claimed then-General Manager Isiah Thomas made advances on her. She settled for $11.5 million after winning at trial.

And in an episode reminiscent of some elements of the manslaughter case against former New Jersey Net star Jayson Williams - who fatally shot a limo driver - Kuchinsky's suit also claims Curry pointed a "fully loaded" gun at him on at least two occasions.

"Look, I have one in the chamber," Curry allegedly said.

Kuchinsky, who worked for Curry from October 2005 through October 2008, says he was hired as a 24/7 chauffeur for the hoop star and his family, and lived in the basement of their Chicago mansion.

But shortly after starting work, he "progressively became Curry's 'house-boy,'" his suit says.

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