
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Obama Taking Lincoln Comparisons to Absurd Extreme

Considering his incoming administration appears to be Clinton III, I guess pretending he's like Lincoln might be a good sign considering Lincoln was a Republican.

But at some point the lame symbolism just goes a bit too far.
They're going to party like it's 1861!

In what will be a Lincoln-themed inauguration from top to bottom, Obama won't only follow in the footsteps of the former president - he'll also eat like him, it was announced yesterday.

Obama's jampacked Abe-apalooza moved into high gear with an announcement from the Congressional Inaugural Committee that it will hold a luncheon next Tuesday following the swearing-in ceremony that's modeled after foods Lincoln enjoyed.

The lunch menu is only the latest in a slew of references and tributes to Lincoln that will be folded into Obama's big day.

Part of the meal will even be served on replicas of the china picked out by First Lady Mary Todd Lincoln at the beginning of her husband's first term in office in 1861.

The appetizer will feature a seafood stew in puff pastry - including scallops, shrimp and lobster - in honor of Lincoln's love of seafood.

The main course of a "Brace of American Birds (pheasant and duck)" with sour-cherry chutney will be served with molasses sweet potatoes - a nod to the root vegetables and wild game that Honest Abe ate as a child in Indiana.

The Lincoln-fest luncheon at Statuary Hall, a chamber of the Capitol building, will serve some 200 guests, including members of the Supreme Court, the incoming Cabinet and congressional leaders.

"It's always good to model yourself after a great president," said Eric Foner, a professor of American history at Columbia University. "The proof will be in the pudding."
Ba dum bum.

One problem with all this is Lincoln wasn't a self-absorbed narcissist and liked to keep things simple.

Historians would probably also note the media didn't shamelessly slobber over Lincoln and have tingles running up their legs whenever he spoke, and Lincoln had much more substance behind his speeches.

Thanks to Gateway Pundit for the link.

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