The reviews are in and it doesn't look good.
The "bipartisan" Iraq panel has recommended that Iran and Syria can help stabilize Iraq. You know, the way Germany and Russia helped stabilize Poland in '39.
Now that Democrats have won the House, they can concentrate on losing the war. Despite all the phony conservative Democrats who got elected as gun-totin' hawks, the Democrats will uniformly vote to dismantle every aspect of the war on terrorism. They've started a runaway train and can't stop it now.
The Democratic base is at a fever pitch with visions of storm troopers listening to their phone calls and ruthlessly torturing innocent accountants at Guantanamo, where the average inmate has his own lawyer, his own prayer rug and is wondering what to do about that extra weight ? known as the "Gitmo 20" ? he's put on since being captured. They are oddly copacetic about actual storm troopers' daily harassment of actual citizens at airport security checkpoints. Liberals have no problem with government oppression as long as it's mandatory and applied equally to all Americans.
The NY Post calls it the The Counsel of Cowards
After nine laborious months, the Iraq Study Group yesterday recom mended that there be peace in the Middle East.
Well, of course.
But how to achieve it?
One word: Surrender.
Surrender in Iraq - and, in due time but inevitably, beyond.
Not in so many words, of course.
The 10-member group, headed by Republican Jim Baker and Democrat Lee Hamilton, wants to pull out U.S. combat troops within 16 months.
It wants Washington to ask those fomenting violence in Iraq - Iran and Syria - to be good fellows and stop it.
And it wants Israel to begin another "dialogue" in pursuit of peace. (Translation: It wants Israel to surrender, too.)
"The situation is grave and deteriorating," the much-hyped report begins, adding: "There is no path that can guarantee success" and "There is no action the American military can take that, by itself, can bring about success in Iraq."
Of course there are no guarantees.
There are never guarantees.
The report decidedly avoids using the word "victory." Rather, it sees only the possibility of somehow improving the odds of "success."
But that's just putting lipstick on this pig of a report.
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