Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Pantsuit Moves Left

Is it really news when a socialist moves to the left? Does anyone believe this conniving woman was ever a centrist, moderate or whatever the current term is to describe far-left politicians who like to dupe the great unwashed? Whatever the case, Tony Blankley looks at the current strategy of Mrs. Clinton.
But even if the news from Iraq stays bad, or gets worse, the increasingly dangerous world that such events would reveal to the American electorate may well suggest to the voters that, whatever the mistakes of George Bush, in such a dangerous world they cannot rely on the hard-core anti-war mentality of Mrs. Clinton or any other cut-and-run Democrat (or Republican.) It will be a vital test of Mrs. Clinton's political judgment, nerve and innate confidence in the fundamental strength of her candidacy, if she can now put the brakes on her leftward drift and avoid a full year of mispositioning herself for the general election in November 2008.

Meanwhile, this assessment at Hot Air is a bit unnerving, but I don't see it coming to fruition.

UPDATE: Allahpundit has an interesting post up with a link to "Missing" College Thesis Reveals a Socialist on the Rise.

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