Thursday, February 01, 2007

Whiny WaPo Blogger Plays Victim Card

Apparently this drooling moron doesn't understand that when you slander the troops, some people might take offense. Now, he's the victim of the arrogant and intolerant blogosphere. Poor baby.
Well, one thing's abundantly clear about who will actually defend our rights to say what we believe: It isn't the hundreds who have written me saying they are soldiers or veterans or war supporters or real Americans and who also advise me to move to another country, to get f@##d, or to die a painful, violent death.

Contrary to the typically inaccurate and overstated assertion in dozens of blogs, hundreds of comments, and thousands of Emails I've received, I've never written that soldiers should "shut up," quite whining, be spit upon, or that they have no right to an opinion.

I understand the Washington Post considers the guy a blogger, and he may not fall under their vaunted layers of editing and screening, but perhaps somebody could proofread his material. I've had typos before myself, but there is a mechanism by which to fix it, usually under the "Edit" button.

I missed his appearance with Hannity & Skeletor last night, as I was busy practicing my unique brand of arrogance and intolerance all over his sorry ass, but Allahpundit has it.

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