Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Padilla Lawyer: Blame Islamophobia

Such a novel defense, an alleged fear of Muslims. If he said we had fear of Islamic terrorists perpetrating mass murder on American soil, which they are wont to to, then he might have a point.

Otherwise, he needs to lose the CAIR talking points.

Padilla case built on fear of Islam, lawyer says
MIAMI (Reuters) - A lawyer for one of former "enemy combatant" Jose Padilla's co-defendants portrayed the government's case in the terrorism support trial on Tuesday as "U.S. versus Islam" and said it relied on fear of Muslims to cover a lack of evidence.

"That kind of fear and prejudice is what you have sworn your most sacred oath to put aside," defense attorney William Swor told the jury that is expected to begin deliberations later on Tuesday.
Swor has a tough sell, considering the evidence admitted.
The government introduced into evidence about 125 transcripts from more than 300,000 conversations over nearly a decade, Swor said.

Padilla's lawyers, who did not call any witnesses during the 3-month trial, contend he went to Egypt to learn Arabic and study Islam.
Sounds like rampant Islamophobia.

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