Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Pathetic Leahy Demands More Documents

The Democrats just get more pathetic by the day. Their endless investigations that go nowhere are likely just one reason why their approval ratings are at a record low of 14%, more than twice as low as President Bush, who has been rebounding in the polls despite the incessant whining and sniveling by the left.

The latest demand is from Vermont fossil Patrick "Leaky" Leahy, a grouchy old fart who really needs to hang it up. His hatred has so consumed him, he may just keel over and die on the Senate floor.

Leahy sets Aug. 20 deadline for NSA eavesdropping documents
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) has given the White House until Aug. 20 to turn over internal documents on the NSA warrantless eavesdropping program. Leahy does not specify what will happen if the White House does not comply with the demand, but the House Judiciary Committee has already voted out a contempt citation against White House chief of staff Josh Bolten and former White House counsel Harriet Miers in a similar situation. The full House may take up the contempt citation next month.

The Senate Judiciary Committee approved subpoenas for the White House and Justice Department on the NSA program in late June, with a July 18 date set for complying with the demand. When Bolten and White House counsel Fred Fielding asked for more time to review the issue, Leahy agreed, and a new Aug. 1 deadline was set.

But according to a letter that Leahy sent to Fielding below, the White House has not shown any willingness to negotiate over the subpoenas. Leahy now wants the materials by Aug. 20, setting up another showdown with the White House over the extent of congressional subpoena power.
It's unclear where this moron thinks any of this leads.

The American people have no problem eavesdropping on our enemies, and the more the Democrats show favoritism towards terrorists, the better off the GOP will be.

Investigation fatigue has set in, especially when nothing will come of any of this.

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