Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Memo to MSNBC: It's Called Summer

You just know they want to veer off into another insipid riff on global warming, but really, these people need to take a look at the calendar. It's August 8. We are in what used to be known as the "dog days of summer," when it usually gets really hot, people sweat, and we're warned on a daily basis to drink plenty of fluids and avoid resting on fresh blacktop between noon and 4 pm.

Alas, it's a crisis, and we're now into the second day of it.

Heat wave continues across much of U.S.
ST. LOUIS - Millions in the Midwest, South and East Coast on Wednesday expected a second straight day of a heat wave made worse by high humidity.

The heat index — how the air feels because of the combination of heat and humidity — was in the danger zone from the Eastern seaboard along into the Southeast and parts of the Midwest. The index was likely to make temperatures throughout those regions feel well above 100. Washington, D.C., for example, was expected to feel like 108 due to the humidity.

The East Coast should get some relief by Friday, but the heat will only get worse in parts of the Midwest by that time, forecasters predicted.
Now for most people with a brain, none of this is news. But then when your idea of a news anchor is a deviate like Keith Olbermann, you don't go find news--you just make it up as you go along.

Fortunately, thanks to modern science, we've had this thing called air conditioning for, oh, at least 50 years, well before my time.

Of course, not everyone has AC, and no doubt the Democrats will call for universal AC for all at their next debate. Even I suffered through many hot summers growing up in NYC; we usually just had fans. Heck, I didn't even have central air until I bought my first house.

Alas, we usually sucked it up, looked at the calendar, and realized fall was not far off. That's when things usually cool off here in the Northeast. Then, aftert that comes winter, though any time the temperature goes over 50 in December, the bloated Algore reminds us we're all about to die because of some such mythical global warming. Or climate change. Or whatever the idiot is calling it that day.

So relax, folks, soak up the AC, drink some cold water, hop in the pool, and know that if you don't have any of those, somewhere a scheming liberal is feverishly working to make it a right that you have all those comforts.

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