Friday, August 17, 2007

They Still Have Rove to Kick Around

Perhaps when Karl Rove announced his departure from the White House, he thought he'd finally get away from the kooks that have hounded him all these years.

Well, leave it to the media whores from PETA to harass him some more.

Can't the man just go hunting in peace?

Rove's dove hunt has feathers flying
Animal activists are snarling at Karl Rove now that the departing White House political wizard will spend the Labor Day weekend dove-hunting.

The president of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Ingrid Newkirk, faxed an ankle-biting letter to Rove on Wednesday after columnist Mary Ann Akers disclosed his holiday plans.

"Dear Mr. Rove," Newkirk wrote. "From your frequent hunting trips to your bizarre little rap at the Radio and Television Correspondents' Association dinner [where Rove joked that he liked to "tear the tops off of small animals"], it is clear that you lack the ability to empathize with other living beings. You consistently prove that you care less about animal welfare than Alberto Gonzales cares about habeas corpus."

Newkirk said she couldn't see how Rove could find sport in killing "little birds who are the international symbol of peace. You will leave politics to spend more time with your family only to destroy the families of other species."
You can sense where this is heading.

Hitler ... Stalin ... Rove.

Can you imagine the reaction when he gets a book deal? Hopefully it's with a Murdoch enterprise, just to rub it in their faces a bit more.

Anyway, the pitiful Newkirk couldn't resist just hammering away at Rove. You mention hunting, there always room for another cheesy Dick Cheney joke.
Her parting shot: suggesting that Rove bring along Deadeye Dick Cheney — who infamously tenderized a friend's face with buckshot while quail-hunting.
Freshen up the material, Ingrid.

Not one to take it laying down, fabulously hot White House spokesbabe Dana Perino shot back.
Returning fire, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said, "Will PETA issue the same press release when the Democratic presidential candidates go out hunting in the next year to get their obligatory ‘I'm a hunter too!' pictures taken? Just hope they know how to hold a gun properly — it's a bummer for a candidate if a mistake is made for all the voters to see."
You suppose that's a veiled shot at this moron?

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