Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Welcome to Your Worst Nightmare

This is truly disturbing, yet opens the door for so much comic relief.

We're always told how smart this shrew is, yet she constantly makes a joke of herself with cheesy stunts like this.

Of course, this leaves us with horrific images of the Breck Girl as a candy-striper.

August 8, 2007 -- WASHINGTON - Hillary Rodham Clinton is taking health care personally.

She will work a shift as a nurse at a Las Vegas hospital next week, it was disclosed yesterday.

The high-profile event is part of the Service Employees International Union's "Walk a day in my shoes program," which gets politicians to step out of their tasseled loafers and high heels to put in a hard day's work while the cameras roll.

Of course, the first thing that pops into your head is Nurse Ratched.

Let the fun begin.

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