Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Chavez Taking Over Private Schools

Communist thug Hugo Chavez is following the Marxist handbook like clockwork. Now he is taking over all the schools.

Venezuela leader's school warning
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has threatened the country's private schools with closure unless they adopt the government's socialist ideology.

Mr Chavez warned all schools they must introduce a new curriculum this year that he said would help develop values of cooperation and solidarity.
I'm sure he will instill "cooperation and solidarity" or else some people will go to prison.

The money quote is this:
"Education based on capitalist ideology destroyed values."
Right. Go check Zimbabwe and see how the communist/socialist ideal is working out for them right about now. Last I heard, people are eating their pets in Zimbabwe to avoid starvation.

I wonder what nickname Chavez posts under at Daily Kos and HuffPo?

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