The clowns from the ACLU apparently have nothing better to do with their time (no pun intended) than to instill more fear in Americans.
Clock to tick down U.S. privacy
"Surveillance Society Clock" created by the American Civil Liberties Union will symbolize the encroachment of government spying on private citizens as part of the war against terrorism — and the ticktock is fast approaching midnight.Anything they can do to weaken this country, this Communist frontgroup will pursue with zeal.
"The extinction of privacy is a real possibility," said Barry Steinhardt, director of the ACLU's Technology and Liberty Project. "We believe that privacy is not yet dead — it is a patient on life support."
The online clock is patterned after the "Doomsday Clock," created by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists in 1947 to warn against a nuclear holocaust. Midnight symbolized a total "1984"-style "surveillance society."
"Every generation deserves its own clock," Mr. Steinhardt said in a teleconference yesterday announcing the project and a new report on mass surveillance by the government.
He said that an explosive increase in new technology and data mining is fueling the trend and creating a false sense of security — from satellites to national-identity systems, the National Security Agency's warrantless surveillance program, DNA data-banking and Web search engines that store every query, even satellites.
"The false security of a surveillance society threatens to turn our country into a place where individuals are constantly susceptible to being trapped by data errors or misinterpretations, illegal use of information by rogue government workers, abuses by political leaders — or perhaps most insidiously, expanded legal uses of information for all kinds of new purposes," the report says.
"We are far too close to the midnight of a genuine surveillance society, and the second hand has not stopped sweeping around the dial," the report says.
"This might have seemed like a crazy idea 20 years ago, but it is no longer a crazy idea and this is the direction in which we are moving," Mr. Steinhardt said. "September 11 has only accelerated the trend."A broken clock is right twice a day. When was the last time these idiots were right about anything?
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