Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Apparently Adam Gadhan was unavailable to translate

Zawahiri indicates he is #1 now
Well Ayman al-Zawahri has finally released his much anticipated first part of his responses to the questions posed to him via a web site. No I don't have the transcript since I have heard enough of his propaganda to probably write the responses myself.
His answer to the question regarding why Al Queda has killed so many innocents was also predictable. "What innocents?"
What I think continues to be the bigger hidden message is that once again there is no Bin Laden. I am starting to believe more and more that Bin Laden is at room temperature and Zawahri is stuck trying to continue rallying the forces while promoting the myth. Personally I think a martyred Bin Laden would be a bigger draw then the myth.
What will be interesting is seeing how long it will take his responses to appear on liberal blogs like Kos and Huffington Post being used as talking points by the folks who frequent those dungeons of despair.
He also blasts the UN and Israel which in itself is sort of contradictory. Nobody has passed more resolutions condemning Israel and worked more to provide cover for the Islamic terrorists then the UN. In a nutshell Zawahiri hates everybody and there are no innocent people. In a sane society we would label him as mass murderer and a psychopath, instead of bestowing the title Number 2 in the Al Queda organization, as if that is equivalent to being an CEO of some business.

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