Sunday, April 20, 2008

'Fitna' Made Them Do It: Taliban Kill Dutch Soliders

I'd blame their predisposition toward violence and savagery, but I guess these animals can now blame Geert Wilders, so maybe some people will give them a pass.
The Taliban said a deadly attack on Dutch soldiers in Afghanistan was in retaliation for an anti-Islamic film made by a politician from the Netherlands, a U.S. terrorism monitoring service said on Sunday.

The son of the new chief of the Dutch military and another Dutch soldier serving with NATO-led forces were killed when their vehicle hit a roadside bomb in Afghanistan on Friday.

The attack was one of "a sequence of missions taking revenge for the insulting film", the Taliban said in a message in Arabic on its website, according to the terrorism monitoring service of a U.S. author and analyst who goes by the pseudonym Laura Mansfield.

Dutch MP Geert Wilders, leader of the anti-immigration Freedom Party, launched the anti-Koran film "Fitna" -- an Arabic term that can mean strife -- on the Internet last month.
Had Wilders never made the film, obviously the Taliban would today instead be preaching love and tolerance. Instead, it was the horrific images of Muslim-perpetrated violence that led to these incidents of violence perpetrated by Muslims.

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