Thursday, April 10, 2008

Illiterate Saudi Blogger Releases Response to Fitna

No word whether any rioting or seething has broken out in the Christian community. I guess this moron thinks he's being cute, when all he's doing is demonstrating his inability to string together a coherent sentence.

Watch this insipid video cobbled together using news footage. Really silly.
The recent film "Fitna" by the controversial Dutch politician Geert Wilders was seen by many as an attack on Islam. Now a Saudi blogger has created a film featuring violent texts from the Bible, with the intention of showing that stereotyping can go both ways.
Sure, show how stereotyping goes both ways. One problem though: I don't see too many Christian flying planes into buildings and chopping off heads.
A Saudi blogger has produced an online movie mocking the recent anti-Islamic film by Dutch politician Geert Wilders (more...), using the Bible and Christian extremists as the subject matter rather than the Koran and Muslims.

The film "Schism" by Raed Al-Saeed, 33, is a little over six minutes in length and can be viewed on the Internet video portal YouTube. The film takes verses from the Bible promoting violence, killing and war and intersperses them with provocative images.
Provocative images take out of context. But what do you expect?
At the end of his film, Al-Saeed draws a parallel between his film and that of Wilders. The penultimate screen image reads: "It is easy to take parts of any Holy (sic) book that are out of content (sic) and make it sound like the most inhuman book ever written. That is what Geert Wilders did to gather more supporters to his hateful ideology. To create schism."
Thanks to Ace for the link.

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