Thursday, April 10, 2008

Have the Dems already killed the Colombian free trade treaty?

UPDATE: 4-11-2008 - DOA (Dead On Arrival) Scroll to the bottom for the update.

That seems to be the word as reported by the Wall Street Journal and which I stumbled upon over at Gateway Pundit.
Apparently San Fran Nan, who is in charge of the most ethical congress evah, has decided to rewrite a few rules to squelch the treaty. Why is it always the Dems who when faced with something they don't like change the rules? This is just getting disgusting, whether it over earmark reform or passing any sort of meaningful legislation there are the Dems standing in the door, just like they did in the south during the Civil Rights years, blocking any attempt at progress.
Today Ms. Pelosi will make an ex post facto change to House rules to avoid the required vote, withdrawing from the timetable and thus relegating the Colombia deal to a perhaps permanent limbo.

The article does not say what the change to the rules will be, but the mere thought that she is contemplating such a move smacks of the old Communist Politiburo tactics and is something we would have been more likely to see out of Hugo Chavez, who benefits greatly from our congress not agreeing to this treaty, then it does the United States of America.

UPDATE: Well the Dems got their way and in doing so they are acting more like Colombia's neighbor Venezuela then they are our elected representatives. Don't be fooled this is all about sticking a finger in the eye of President Bush, not on any reservations about the treaty. Do we really want to put up with this kind of crap anymore? I encourage all voters to vote against their incumbents this cycle, regardless of party. Get fresh people up there.
The House voted 224-195 to eliminate a rule forcing it to vote on the trade agreement within 60 legislative days of the president's submitting it to Congress. Bush sent the agreement to Capitol Hill on Tuesday, starting a 90-day clock for the House and then the Senate to either approve or reject the pact.

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