Sunday, April 06, 2008

Islam and American Politics

That is the title of an editorial in the Middle East Times. Among the amazing revelations we discover that Islamophobia is a disease.
The question that seems to bother many Americans is not so much if Senator Obama is a Muslim or not, rather, the issue is centered more on a question stemming from a disease which has been plaguing the United States ever since September 11, 2001. The disease is called Islamophobia. The symptoms consist of the false belief that everything relating to Islam is tied to terrorism.

Remind me to ask my doctor about that the next time I am in for a check up. I wonder if they have a little blue pill to treat it.
The author also assures us that a "madrassa" is nothing more then a school.
For the record, a "madrassa" is simply the Arabic word for school. The question therefore should be: "Did Obama go to an Islamic madrassa?" In which case the answer is, "no."

So why put the word in quotes? Just more of the same. Nothing to see here, move along. Go back to sleep. Madrassas like the Red Mosque in Pakistan are nothing to fear, and Islamophobia is a disease based on a false belief. While I am waiting for that worldwide outbreak of Buddhist suicide bombers who riot in the streets demanding the death of cartoonists and writers and constantly calling for the death of the non-believers I will hold on to my true facts that a lot of Islam is involved in terrorism.

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