Sunday, April 06, 2008

National Heroes Tour at Ft Bragg, NC

The National Heroes Tour made one of its' last stops last night at Ft Bragg, NC, home of the 82nd Airborne and the Special Forces Command, and a very appropriate stop for these heroes. Monday and Tuesday they will in Washington DC to show their support of Gen Petraeus along with members of the Gathering of Eagles, Move America Forward, Vets For Freedom and Vets for Victory.
Here courtesy of Jim Hanson, Uncle Jimbo from Blackfive is the video of that stop.

I know this is a rather lengthy video, 50 minutes in duration, so if you don't want to watch the whole thing fine, it is your loss. You absolutely must set aside time to watch these folks and listen to their stories, but at a very minimum go to the 45 minute mark and listen to LTC Steven Russell sum it up.
I heard one comment about the low turnout again! To me that has been the big national disgrace associated with this tour. Why they are not talking to filled stadiums is beyond me and it is causing me to reconsider where our country is when these heroes can not draw larger crowds then they do and the total lack of any sort of national press coverage this tour has garnered. Maybe David Bellavia has it right, if only somebody on the tour had won 5 golf tournaments in a row like Tiger Woods they would be getting more attention.

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