Sunday, January 18, 2009

Shriveled Up Communist Serenades Messiah

All the moonbats were on hand in Washington today, including aging Communist Pete Seeger (center in photo).

More here on this nauseating drivel.
The afternoon's penultimate moment again found Springsteen, joined this time by Pete Seeger and a different choir, singing Woody Guthrie's "This Land Is Your Land," a song once viewed as a leftist national anthem that the Boss rightfully referred to as "the greatest song written about our home." The perf was a moment of community with no star turns, a song that worked off of a collective voice of the people onstage and the thousands gathered around the reflecting pool on the Mall. It was the song that did the best job of reinforcing and galvanizing the thoughts that had been expressed throughout the day and the Obama campaign.
Geez, these people are so full of themselves.

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