Thursday, February 12, 2009

Watch Woman Mouth 'I Love You Barack' (VIDEO)

This is just plain ol' pitiful. This is from Barry's rally in Ft. Myers Florida this week, where the woman asked for and got a new home from Obama. I purposefully muted the sound because I want you to concentrate on the zombie-like expression on the woman wearing white.

She's begins to stand up next to the welfare queen, Henrietta, and as Obama approaches, you can see the Stepford-like glaze in her eyes, mouth agape like a brook trout.

I know she's in a trance because everyone else is applauding wildly, yet she's standing there, arms at her sides.

She stares at him breathlessly, and as he starts to turn away from Henrietta, you can see her mouth "I love you, Barack!" And at the final moment you can see her purse her fingertips to her lips, as if to start to blow him a kiss. Did she pass out after that, or did she just throw her panties at him? Hell, one of the NY Times bloggers already wrote about all the women she knows who fantasize or dream of having sex with Barry. Wow... just wow.

Don't know if the Stepford Obamabot ever did finish that air-kiss, but frankly, I don't mind that I don't know. I've had just about enough Obama worship for one day. Hell, for that matter, for a lifetime! But hey...I guess I'll have to muddle through because I have a blog to run.

Anybody got any Maalox? And do you know if it makes for a good chaser? No wonder they call his supporters Obama-bots. Mind-numbed drones, who will become slaves to the government he's creating.

Fend for yourself? The HELL you say! Why should I? Barack is going to save the world and take away ALL my worries. Oh, yeah... and with that will go all my freedoms.

No thanks, Barack. You can keep the "hope" AND the "change."

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