As another more intelligent actor once said, "Welcome to the party, pal!"
Here we have the brilliant Matt Damon finally waking from his far-left stupor and discovering that there's a little problem with Zimbabwe. Of course, there's not a peep about the racist Communist that has run the country into the ground. I'm sure if given enough time Damon would blame this on capitalism, George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan or Sarah Palin, in no particular order.
The Hollywood actor visited refugee centers in Musina on the South African border with Zimbabwe as part of his work with the human rights organization he started with a number of other celebrities.He's clearly unaware "international and regional leaders" have been trying to do something about Zimbabwe for many years, to no avail.
An estimated 3 million Zimbabweans have fled the economic collapse and dire humanitarian conditions in their country for South Africa.
Damon said in an exclusive interview with the AP Tuesday that he was "shocked and saddened" by the plight of the people he had spoken to. He said conditions were "untenable" and called on international and regional leaders to take action.
But hey, let's give the imbecile credit for properly using untenable in a sentence. That's what we call progress. Maybe some day he'll find out white farmers have been driven from their land by black racists. Imagine his shock when someone teaches him about that. Maybe he'll read about it in a book some day.
Meanwhile, some idiot is so moved by Damon's sudden awareness, there's already a call on him to run for public office.
We always thought it would be Ben Affleck who’d run for public office…but will BFF Matt Damon beat him to it? If Florida Progressive Coalition blogger and Internet radio host Mark Weaver could wave his liberal magic wand, the answer would be yes.He's smarter than Ronald Reagan.
Weaver argues Damon’s voice would be welcome on foreign policy, particularly in the debate over how America should handle conflicts in the Middle East. The actor is also electable, he says. “He’s smarter (Harvard) than Ronald Reagan and Arnold Schwarzenegger (and to my knowledge does not have a naked picture published in a body building magazine with his body all oiled up) and has been involved in numerous humanitarian civic causes,” Weaver writes.
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