Barry O took his show on the road once again yesterday, while his family continues to vacation in Europe on your dime, to promote his omnipotent healthcare plan.
Since I was working from home I got to see the campaign stop and while he was surrounded by his adoring fans inside, outside it was a different matter.
I wonder why we didn't see these, can you really call them protesters, who lined the road leading up to the venue?
Regarding that campaign stop, after Barry O talked about how seizing control of the healthcare system in this country was the single most important thing that needed to be addressed or else western civilization would cease to exist, using the same rhetoric and words that he used previously when talking about financial institutions, the automakers, and the housing market, just before he seized control of them also, he opened it up for questions from the crowd. He assured us that the people were not pre screened or pre selected, so I want to know why was it that all those who opposed his plan were on the outside?
There was the local teachers union member who did not have a question about healthcare at all, but rather used his opportunity to blast the No Child Left Behind policy and the unfairness of testing.
There was the guy who asked for a note for his daughter for school.
There was a woman who was a big fan of going to a single payer system.
There was NOT a single dissenting opinion or question, either from the people in attendance or the media.
Oh yeah and of course this trip was paid for with your tax dollars. You know after the President in Training Pants said last week that we were out of money.
Apparently the taxpayers and the country are out of money but the Obama's have tax payer funded credit card that has no spending limit on it.
H/T Instapundit
Larwyn’s Linx: Free speech versus violence
8 hours ago
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