Michelle Obama. What's not to love about her? She's such a breath of fresh air in the White House. And let's recall those words of piety she shared with us before ascending to her current position;
"In my own life, in my own small way, I have tried to give back to this country that has given me so much," she said. "See, that's why I left a job at a big law firm for a career in public service.. "
That moved me - did it move you? So, how has Michelle been getting on in her role as First Lady? Let's consider those on her staff, shall we?
To put it in context, Hillary Clinton had a staff of three, Laura Bush a staff of one. Long ago, Jacqui Kennedy had one. In these frugal recessionary times, how many has lovely Michelle? Michelle has a staff of...twenty two.
This, of course, does NOT include her makeup artiste or indeed her hair stylist. Full details here. Check out the salaries she has handed out as well - recession? What recession? Had this been Sarah Palin creating such a vast entourage one could imagine the media outcry but when it is the lovely Michelle - why the media remains mute as well as dumb. Perhaps Michelle seeks to solve US unemployment by putting everyone on her personal staff?
Hat-tip to Harry over at Britannia Radio!
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