Friday, September 18, 2009

Blackfive Running For Political Office

Matt Burden, known to his friends and enemies by his online name of Blackfive has made the decision to run for office in Illinois for a seat as a state representative.

Matt has been one of the folks whom I have a great deal of respect. I became acquainted with him through his blog by the same name, Blackfive, way back in the early days of our war on terrorism. He was there bringing the stories from Afghanistan and Iraq that our mainstream media were ignoring. For those not familiar with his site, y'all got some catching up to do. He not only provided insight and perspective that was missing from so much of media coverage, he put his money where his mouth was and funded embedded reporters to go to Iraq and bring back reports.

I wish I could vote for him, and with the current state of politics in Illinois, who knows maybe I can. In the meantime I will just help spread the word and encourage others to donate and help send him to a new battlefield, that of the political arena. I am sure among many in Illinois he will be viewed as the insurgent, but he is just the sort of man they need. His knowledge of COIN (Counterinsurgency) operations should prove to be an invaluable tool.

So quit reading this, get over to his site and help fund his campaign.
I just hope Uncle Jimbo ain't his campaign manager.

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