Well, having never heard of this woman I went searching [ed-I use the Ask search engine instead of that other one] and found some interesting articles.
Like I said, she is a one-hit wonder, but in one report I found when the conclusions of a computer model didn't match her conclusions she went back and changed the parameters until they did. In other words, she had a predetermined outcome already decided upon and then built a program to quantify that outcome. This report was used back in 2006 as one of the key themes of a certain former vice president in making a propaganda film designed to scare all of us into driving soy-powered vehicles freeing up much needed aviation fuel for his private jet so that he could continue flying around and telling us how we are destroying the planet.
Well, Ms. Otto-Bliesner has once again reiterated her claim and once again it is all the buzz except that of course she is now moving up her Armageddon time table, no doubt in part because of the Energy/Economic team that Obama has constituted has a much more sympathetic, albeit gullible ear for this sort of thing.
With a little more digging I found that the very causes of her nightmare scenario she debunked years earlier. She asserts that man, particularly since the beginning of the industrial age, is the cause of global warming and therefore the melting ice packs, although there is plenty of evidence to the contrary. If her assertions of today are true how does she reconcile them with her findings from a few years ago?
The last time so much ice was lost from the poles -- in a period between ice ages 129,000 years ago -- global sea levels rose between 4m and 6m.
That's right (shocka!), the ice packs have melted before.
The last time I checked 129,000 years ago there were no SUV's, man was just barely walking upright, and we were coming out of an ice age.
This is what has always chapped me about the global warming alarmists. How do they know what the temperature of the planet is supposed to be? Our planet has always gone through climate changes but they have somehow managed to invent some sort of mythical number and said that is what the thermostat should be set at.
Coincidentally, that 4 to 6 meter rise in sea levels is exactly what she is predicting will happen at the current rate of change happening today. Except that she had to tweak her computer models to reach those conclusions, and in our planets past those sort of levels were the norm.
BTW, in the picture above Ms Otto-Bliesner is second from left, holding that contraption with a champagne glass on top during some sort of relay race held by the organization she works for--The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research.
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