Thursday, September 03, 2009

When MoveOn Attacks: 'He Punched Me Hard, Straight in the Face, So I Bit His Finger Off'


It's getting ugly out there.
About 100 protesters sponsored by were having a rally supporting health care reform. A group of anti-health care reform protesters formed across the street.

A witness from the scene says a man was walking through the anti-reform group to get to the pro-reform side when he got into an altercation with the 65-year-old, who opposes health care reform.

The 65-year-old was apparently aggressive and hit the other man, who then retaliated by biting off his attacker's pinky, according to Karoli from DrumsnWhistles.
I know Obama told them to get in people's faces, but I didn't realize they'd start biting fingers off.

Classy bunch, those MoveOn types.

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