Friday, February 26, 2010

Joe Klein: I Missed Healthcare Summit But Obama Definitely Won


Obviously it's keen insight like this that has established Joe Klein as a go to source for political insight. The folks at Time must be thrilled they're getting their money's worth. Seemingly everyone on the planet knows Obama and the Democrats were viciously gangster-slapped Thursday, but Joe Klein, ace reporter, knows better, and he didn't even see it.

A scary talent, this one.
Shame on me. I was elsewhere yesterday and missed the health care summit. I'm catching up now, and the tea leaves seem to indicate that Obama came out well ahead of the Republicans. How do I know that? From Matt Drudge, of course. I mean, Drudge's takeaway from the summit is that the President talked a lot--actually, the President, the Congressional Democrats and Republicans each spoke an equal amount--the Times of London found it boring and the networks turned to other programming.

Reading between the lines, you can conclude that the Republicans had nothing very interesting, or clever, to say (and were never able to get the President's goat). And that the President was his usual, unflappable, well-informed self. You can also conclude that not much progress was made at the summit, as Karen reports here--but that's a huge surprise, right?
Does Klein even have a DVR? Maybe he ought to, you know, actually watch and see what happened before looking like a complete buffoon.

No offense to Matt Drudge, but there are other sources of information out there that offer a wide array of opinion. Yet this hack peruses a couple of sites, checks out a few headlines and comes to a conclusion diametrically opposed to virtually 100% of the opinion makers out there.

Is there anyone at Time wondering why this clown is drawing a paycheck?

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