President Obama's doctors hinted Sunday that he still might be sneaking smokes when Michelle and the kids aren't around to yell at him.Naturally folks taking the poll at the link blame Republicans for Obama still smoking.
Obama's routine physical at the Bethesda Naval Medical Center found him in "excellent health" and "fit for duty" but the docs also included a cryptic recommendation that he "continue smoking cessation efforts."
Obama should continue his "nicotine replacement therapy - self-use (gum or the patch)," the doctor said.
Obama owned up during the 2008 presidential campaign to falling off the wagon occassionally [sic] in his effort to quit with the help of nicotine gum.
Obama has also said that First Lady Michelle Obama, and kids Malia and Sasha, have been all over him to break the habit.
The AP is a bit more blunt in their assessment.
President Barack Obama hasn't kicked the smoking habit, takes anti-inflammatory medication to relieve chronic tendinitis in his left knee and should eat better to lower his cholesterol, his team of doctors concluded Sunday after the 48-year-old's first medical checkup as commander in chief.Maybe he's physically fit for duty. I have my doubts whether he's emotionally up to it.
The hoops-happy chief executive, who has endured an exhausting White House run and yearlong battles with congressional Republicans, was otherwise declared in excellent health and fit for duty.
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